We’re here to support you on your journey.

Our team

Lauren Berman, Ph.D.

Dr. Berman offers general psychotherapy for individuals and couples, as well as specialized fertility counseling. She earned a doctorate in clinical psychology from Emory University and is recognized leader in the field of fertility psychology.

Dr. Berman's innate curiosity served as the foundation of her journey into the realm of psychology. Her empathetic approach has been instrumental in guiding individuals and couples through emotional tumult, aiding them in transcending depression, mending from trauma, revitalizing relationships, navigating stress and anxiety, and cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness.

Dr. Berman has cultivated a specific focus on trauma therapy, leveraging her extensive experience as an EMDR practitioner since 1997 to facilitate healing and recovery.

Fertility Counseling

Dr. Berman is a sought-after expert on the psychological intricacies of family building. She provides therapeutic support and resources to those grappling with pregnancy loss and the stresses associated with fertility. Dr. Berman also assists with the screening and preparation process for gamete donors and gestational carriers, ensuring a safe and supportive experience.

Dr. Berman's academic credentials and commitment to continuing education puts her on the leading edge of her profession. Her multifaceted expertise and compassionate, ethical approach enable her to guild clients and patients toward healing, understanding, and personal growth.


Diane Seale, Office Manager

Diane Seale has been working alongside Dr. Berman since 2016. As a mother of two adult children in their 30s, Diane has personally navigated the challenges of infertility, which fuels her passion for supporting others on similar journeys. Her ability to empathize deeply with those facing infertility enhances the patient/client experience.

With a background spanning over two decades in administrative roles within psychiatry and psychology settings, Diane feels truly fortunate to contribute to this field. Prior to joining Dr. Berman, she was instructor of computer software, catering to physician offices across various specialties.

Diane is an enthusiastic runner and cyclist and completed an Ironman triathlon. Her journey, both personal and professional, underscores her commitment to providing support and understanding to those navigating infertility and mental health challenges.


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